Abundance Mindset

 Creating Abundance Through Mindset

Living Abundantly
   Some people would actually describe an abundant lifestyle as simply having enough, "So long as my physical and emotional needs are met, what else do I really need?"  Although all too many others would say with conviction that the meaning of an abundant life has more to do with knowing they don't have to worry about finances or struggling while living paycheck to paycheck to survive.  Truly living in abundance has so much more than to do with having or not having. 

   So how can you start living your life today to open doors to everything the world has to offer and ultimately receive more in this life and live your definition of 'Abundance'?  Decide to start living it today by some simple life principles...

   Firstoff, you must understand that each day your mindset is controlled by you.  Abundance begins for all of us with mindset.  Mindset is everything YOU are.  It's how you feel, think, react, what you believe, dislike, identify with, take to heart, and how you judge.  Everything that makes you, you.
   So what makes many people more successful than others who only have hopes of getting there?  It's their internal belief and openness to situations that give them the opportunity to live in complete abundance.  They don't continually view times of struggle as a way of singling themselves out from the rest of the world.  They don't pity themselves when good fortune doesn't continually come their way.  Instead they view these times as a learning and growth experience and more often than not, they come out stronger because of the way they decided to perceive circumstances and what it means in their life.
   Ultra successful people think, feel, believe in, and ask for situations in their life that enable them to create wealth by climbing mountain after mountain.  They don't believe that because they successfully got to the top, the rest of life is easy sailing on the way down.  Instead, they look for another mountain to climb and often one with steeper slopes.   

   Is it so ironic that people who give are people who tend to have more.  As the opposite is what is the common belief; that people who are in a position to give can because they live on excess.  On the contrary, people who live a life of generosity attract powers in the universe (unbelievable though it might sound) that allow them to give more.  When giving is done, without expecting anything in return, we ultimately find that we attract the power of receiving.

   If this were as simple as it sounds, everyone around us would have be living abundant lives by now.  People who refuse the gift of being in position to give with closed fists most often end up miserable.  Generosity leads to happiness and a feeling of self satisfaction with a reputation of being trusted, of being good-hearted, and therefore opportunity keeps pouring in.

Live in Honesty~
 Honest goes beyond just telling the truth.  Being honest, has the ability to completely free ones mind and conscience that holds people back.  Deceitfulness tends to sever bonds and creates a lack of trustworthiness that inhibits others.  Ultimately, over time, opportunities become less, cooperation with other people is not achieved, loneliness sets in and confusion takes over that wears away at a persons capabilities.  Honesty these days is a very valuable asset.  Honest individuals have clearer minds, better dispositions and valuable relationships.

Believe there is always enough for everyone~
   Scientists agree that the resources of the world could sufficiently provide even if the actual world population were tripled.  That is more than sufficient.  The most successful men and women are people who recognize this and come up with ideas to harness the world's resources to work for them.  Living in abundance means not living in thoughts of scarcity.

Be Grateful~
  Living in appreciation and gratefulness helps you to recognize that you are pleased to have what you do.  This life of thankfulness has the propelling effect to make you advance.  When you are not consumed by resentment, you will sooner move forward.  Focusing on the good things in your life is focusing on the achievements rather than what you may not have made.  Focusing on positive moments in your life also relieves the mind of anger which always results in thoughts of discontent and greed.  Gratefulness relaxes the mind.

Taking time to focus~
  Relax your mind to maintain inner peace.  Once there is peace, you are more able to think of better ideas. Separate yourself from the complete chaos of life, when you can.  Yes, daily.  Bring positive thoughts to the table and positive energy will be created.  These energies have the ability to attract more of the same energy. Positivity attracts the positive. 

Daily, take 10-15 minutes to relax your mind, focus on your goals and the direction you believe you will travel.  Create the actions and environments you so desire and imagine being in these places you want to see through to reality.  The body can achieve only what the mind can perceive.  So be sure and keep your thoughts headed in the right direction so your actions will automatically follow through.

Creating Wealth~
Wealth comes down to two things...
   1.  Knowledge of how to create it.
   2.  Acting on that knowledge in a concise manner to achieve it.
Of course factors are involved in creating wealth such as; desire, motivation, action, etc, but truly all you need to create wealth is the knowledge of how to create it, and the ability to put that knowledge into action.  The one necessary action to follow through with this is to eliminate the garbage in life that is all around you, limiting you from taking that action.

Here's to you ~ Enjoy living each day in complete abundance.