Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pesonal Development- The Basics

Here A Beginning Roadmap For Your Personal Development Plan

Initiate Your Personal Development Plan Right Now~
Maybe you feel the need to recreate your life or possibly have a strong desire to embark on a personal development plan.   This should get you started in the right direction and get you marching toward the development of a completely new mindset.
Devising a solid map to improve your life requires taking an honest to goodness look at what you are currently doing in your life.  If you wish to re-invent yourself, each area of your life must be examined with open eyes- from every angle!  Take note when you examine these areas of what important actions need to be adjusted in the process.  This is when you admit any habits that are limiting yourself from being the type of person you admire and would like to become.  Yes, you actually do need to learn a new behavior to get to the desired goal or result you are focusing on.

Here it is… You can’t expect me NOT to talk about goals.  So let’s start with setting goals as a top priority in your personal development plan of action.  This requires a specific and conscience intention followed by action.  Once you have established a list of important goals.  Classify which ones are attainable first and then what the long term is.  This means putting the ones that seem more attainable on your way to the ultimate goal first.  Make a roadmap.  Now, consider the steps you need to take on a daily basis to achieve each small success.  The consistent behavior which are conducive to reaching that goal are what are going to get you there in the end, not the mere thought of what it will be like to get there.

Importantly, once you recognize what learned behaviors are necessary to adjust, start by educating yourself and seeking knowledge on that particular subject you are focused on.  If it’s a physical  activity, then you most definitely need to take part in practicing in the fundamentals of that sport or activity on a daily basis.  The best advice I have learned is to not only focus on the physical, but to additionally spend 10-15 minutes a day, in a quiet place, imaging your success and how you will get there.

“For What The Mind Can Perceive; You Can Achieve.” ~ Robert Allen
By being active and immersing yourself both physically and mentally in your desire, you will train your brain to automatically take over and control the physical action.
Continually seeking information and growing in knowledge will also replace old behaviors and new habits will form.  Abundant resources are available today for self-help, just be sure you look into credible ones.  Here are a few great influences I’ve found very helpful through audios and books.

These speakers and mentors have knowledge and experience in self development, can give access to more tools to educate you.
  • Dr. Denis Waitley, One of America’s most respected authors and keynote speakers on high performance human achievements
  • T. Harv Eker- you can connect with him here and jump in on one of his ‘Mindset’ seminars across the United States or on the web…  Connect With T.Harv Ecker
If at any point you feel stuck, overwhelmed, or just plain frustrated, you can also seek one-on-one help from someone you know personally.  Most people feel good about sharing information they know.  It makes them feel smart and valuable.  If you don’t know anyone personally, you can search for a life coach.  Life coaches are a fantastic resource for success with a personal development plan.  They can also provide a powerful support system.
A life coach will present you with positive feedback and encourage you to persevere on through to your desired destiny as well as help monitor your setbacks.

Whether you utilize a life coach or go your own path, be sure to focus on your strengths.  Do not fall prey to loss of confidence from not focusing on them.  Most importantly, keep learning to compliment strong points and poise.  It is seriously amazing how learning impacts over-all well being!

Lastly, realize that time marches on.  As long as you keep working toward your goal daily, you will get there.  You know you won’t reach your goal overnight or you would already be there.  You must be aware of your choices and the world you operate in around you .  Every day, make the best choices and ask yourself, “Will this take me closer to my goals?”.  By doing so, eventually the prize will be right before you.  Personal development is a life choice.  You must know that each decision will lead you to the path you want or one that meanders throughout the world, oblivious to needed change in direction.  Self improvement in life settings and circumstances should always be considered relevant and necessary.

You are completely capable of recreating your life with an outlined personal development growth plan in some Simplified Steps:
1.       Self-assessment of problem areas of your life is the first step.
2.      Set realistic goals with baby step goals along the way and be sure to reward yourself with each new accomplishment.
3.      Maintain a positive support system and be sure your surrounding are just that.
4.      Most of all, applaud yourself for wanting something different for your life and taking the notion to do something about it.
Keep Going, Once You Think You've Reached The Top, You Will Want To Find A Greater Mountain To Climb! 

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