It All Begins With That 5 lb Computer On top of Your Shoulders
Do you want to know what the secret is to achieving your ideal body? Well, Weight-loss and Fitness journeys always have to begin with a CONCRETE DECISION to not only eat healthy and exercise regularly but these decisions are actually solidified when a clarity of MINDSET is developed. A mindset that is 'mindful' of where you are going and want the end result to be, as well as the ACTIONS necessary to get there.
It's very familiar to many of us how simple it is to let 'life' rule minute-to-minute decisions (instant gratification, simplicity, someone else can eat or do that, ect). We've all been in that place where we get too busy or haven't eaten all day or just feel tired and that making a healthy decision to eat right or to exercise actually seems like too much work.
If you make a commitment to yourself each morning to make decisons throughout the day that will further your success you will begin with the most important element, your mind. The goal is that when faced with common temptations or set-backs, your mind automatically guides you through it because you have reprogrammed your brain to choose the way you taught it.
Having a clear mindset of all your daily goals and challenges can improve your results in all areas of your life. If you think I'm talking about some kind of meditation... you're right. If there is something really important you've been wanting to achieve or a habit you've been wanting to break, try changing the way you think about that action on a regular basis. Think about all the positive aspects that will result once you've achieved it and how it will make you feel. For what you focus on consistently will come to pass.
Try This...
Start with 10 minutes of concentration. Wake up each morning and drink a glass of water. Do some real simple stretches with some real nice deep breathes.
Sit quietly (up straight so you don't fall back to sleep ;-) ), and think about your goal, what you will be faced with that day (that could distract you), how you are going to handle distractions and what decisions you will actively implement to make sure you take one step closer to what is important for you to achieve. If you need to make a list before hand so you can look it over before thinking about it do so. Example: I will drink water instead of soda today, I will add 2% milk to my coffee instead of 1/2 and 1/2, I will make a fruit dish for desert after dinner, I will try a new fitness class or exercise, I will be sure to have healthy food in the house and not junk food, I will pack a healthy lunch for work, I will sit up straight and remind myself to tighten my abdominals (while driving too), I will go for a walk during the last 15 minutes of lunch break... you get it.
Imagine your clothes fitting loosely or buying new sizes or developing noticeable muscle in your legs and arms. End your thoughts happily and how you will feel once you achieve your ideal body weight in a feasible time frame.
Most importantly, remember this~ It's not about the size you wear or the 'Ideal Body Weight'. It is all about how you feel about yourself, your confidence and your mindset/attitude. Keep working with some of the tactics in this article and chances are you will feel much better.
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